What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a end...

... Thus Spoke Zarathustra. 'Prometheus' Credits Tag Leads to a New Viral Site & Weyland Video


Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Well, what do we have here. Amidst all the discussion on Prometheus, fans have seemed to miss a clue that continues the story beyond what we see in this movie. MovieViral points out of that if you stay to the very end of the credits, there is a Weyland Corp tag (not a scene, just a logo - seen above) that includes the date 10. 11. 12. prominently displayed. I'd heard mentions of this, but many played it off as the possible DVD release date of Prometheus, which would (and still does) make sense. But there's actually a viral website associated with it and that comes with a new video featuring a young Peter Weyland. At first glance, the tag just contains some basic information - Weyland Corp, which is a nifty little bumper, plus a link to the timeline website and that date. Fans following the viral should already be familiar with the viral timeline, which has provided many clues and lots of valuable information. For example, in this case, 10-11-2012 is the date when Weyland Incorporates. It states: "Weyland Corporation is recognized as a legal entity and corporation under United States law and receives their Certificate of Incorporation from the Companies House in the United Kingdom." So it's when they go from Weyland Corp to Weyland Industries, must be a major change. The new site was then discovered at WhatIs101112.com with even more clues:


 So what's on this new 10.11.12. website? A lot of interesting information which seems to ask even more questions rather than answer any. But there may be some big clues here. One of the key components is a new video, a short 30-second video featuring a young Peter Weyland (played by Guy Pearce) from the TED 2023 Talk. In it, he only says one line: "I am a law only for my kind, I am no law for all." But there's also the tag on the video itself: Thus Spoke Zarathustra. The title refers to the book by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. "Much of the work deals with ideas such as the 'eternal recurrence of the same', the parable on the 'death of God', and the 'prophecy' of the Übermensch," it states. Watch the video:


 The website also features a 3D render of a book with the title written on it "What is Great in Man is That He is a Bridge and Not an End." It's another quote from Nietzsche's book Thus Spoke Zarathustra, which all of this must be heavily connected to, given the numerous references so far. Plus, for everyone who has now seen Prometheus, all of these connections are starting to make sense. Weyland wants to meet his maker and wants to support a voyage to meet these gods, whoever they may be, since he is in search of power as well. But what does 10.11.12 really mean? We're not entirely sure yet. The site has five "modules", currently only at "1-A1", so we may have four more of these to go through, plus four more months until October anyway. We'll keep you updated on this viral and if anything else Prometheus related arrives on the Weyland Corp or 10.11.12 websites. Whatever is going on, it's definitely not over. Whether this is all just for the DVD release or more hype for a story beyond the events in Prometheus, I'm excited to see where Weyland takes us next.